Tips For Hurricane Preparation

Are you prepared for hurricane season? Hurricane season starts on June 1st and lasts about 5 months. Here at BOW ECHO we want to help you prepare for hurricane season. With every hurricane season regardless of forecast, knowing the essentials of how to prepare could truly be a life saver. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for the hurricane season that is about to start.


Hurricane Knowledge

Before anything else, make sure that you understand common terms used during hurricane forecast. Storm conditions can vary on the intensity, size and even the angle which the tropical cyclone approaches your area, so it is really important you understand what the forecasters and news reporters are telling you.


  • Tropical Depressions: are cyclones with winds of 38 mph.
  • Tropical Storms vary in wind speeds from 39-73 mph.
  • Hurricanes have winds 74 mph and greater.
  • Hurricane Watch: Hurricane conditions are possible in the area. Watches are issued 48 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical storm force winds.
  • Hurricane Warning: Hurricane conditions are expected in the area. Warnings are issued 36 hours in advance of tropical storm force winds.
  • Eye: Clear, sometimes well-defined center of the storm with calmer conditions.
  • Eye Wall: Surrounding the eye, contains some of the most severe weather of the storm with the highest wind speed and largest precipitation.
  • Rain Bands: Bands coming off the cyclone that produce severe weather conditions such as heavy rain, wind and tornadoes.
  • Storm Surge: An often underestimated and deadly result of ocean water swelling as a result of a landfalling storm, and quickly flooding coastal and sometimes areas further inland.


Make sure you always prepare your home during a hurricane watch and always keep in mind an evacuation plan in case a warning is issued.


What To Do As Storm Approaches

Prepare your home, especially your windows. If you want to notify people of where you are or need help, there are a few apps that will help you do that right away: The Red Cross has a Hurricane App available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store as well as a shelter finder app. A first aid app is also available.

  • Use hurricane shutters or board up windows and doors with 5/8-inch plywood.
  • Bring outside items in if they could be picked up by the wind.
  • Reinforce the garage door.
  • Turn the refrigerator to its coldest setting in case power goes off. Use a cooler to keep from opening the doors on the freezer or refrigerator.
  • Get a full tank of gas.
  • Unplug small appliances and electronics before you leave.


Talk With Your Family

It is really important that you and your family are calm and that everyone understands what they have to do in case a hurricane strikes.

  • Discussing hurricanes ahead of time helps reduce fear, particularly for younger children.
  • Store important documents — passports, Social Security cards, birth certificates, deeds — in a watertight container.
  • Make sure you Listen to local area radio, apps or TV stations for the latest information and updates.


Staying Safe During A Hurricane

  • Stay indoors.
  • Don’t walk on beaches, riverbanks or in flood waters.
  • Use flashlights in the dark if the power goes out. Do NOT use candles.
  • Avoid contact with floodwater. It may be contaminated with sewage or contain dangerous insects or animals.
  • Turn off the power and water mains if instructed to do so by local authorities.


After a Hurricane

First, tell your family and friends that you are safe. You can also mark yourself safe on Facebook or other websites. Here are some other important tips to follow:

  • If evacuated, return only when authorities say it is safe to do so.
  • Continue listening to local news or a NOAA Weather Radio for updated information and instructions.
  • Stay alert for extended rainfall and subsequent flooding.


If you have any questions or need any assistance for either the preparation for a hurricane or after a hurricane, BOW ECHO is always here to help you.



Bow Echo Construction

Author Bow Echo Construction

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