In 1790, The Woodburn Mansion, America’s most haunted house, would be built in Dover. In 1965 the state bought this seven bedroom house, after many previous residents, to now act as the new home of the Governor. This mansion had been the home to many famous politicians and wealthy business owners, all of which report having met multiple of the ghosts that linger through the creaky hallways. Most of the reports have been of friendly and inviting ghosts, none of which caused their roommates any harm or trouble. One of these spirits is a little girl who plays in the garden, causing one to wonder of the many mysteries that happened here at Woodburn estates. Among seeing deceased family members and wealthy public figures, usually dressed in revolutionary style clothing, guests even report that the dining room is host to the “wine ghosts”, who seem to finish the last of any good Merlot left out. The one report of an unfriendly ghost seen at this property, is a slave owner who was chased from the house onto a tree, only to be forced to accidentally commit suicide by hanging. The mansions home owners say that they can still hear his screams nightly, as he relives the death so many believed he deserved. Nowadays, the house acts as a museum for the supernatural, and holds public tours available by appointment.
Although, the Woodburn Mansion is not the only extremely haunted house in America. Franklin Castle, built in 1865, is also riddled with lingering spirits. The inhabitants between these walls are not as friendly as those who wander the grounds of Woodburn. The ghosts at Franklin Castle had been reported to appear in the woodwork as faces, to spin chandeliers, to scream and cry, and even create cold spots. These occurrences are among the many freaky events that occur daily at this ancient gothic home. Hannes Tiedemann was the first owner of the house, known as an angry and harsh man. Mysteriously, his wife, daughters, and niece were all found dead in a series of strange “accidents”. Many believe that Tiedemann killed the girls, and it is they who roam the house as ghosts, screaming in fright. There has been multiple reports of the sound of young girls crying, which are thought the be the cry of his daughters. The ghosts trapped in the Franklin castle are not as fun-loving as some of the personalities experienced at the Woodburn Mansion, but hey, at least the ghosts at Franklin Castle don’t steal your wine.
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